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The Con Artist 

" Don't you trust me...?



Blake Garcia is an award winning movie actor by day who is loved by many for the hero type characters he portrays on screen.  

By night he is a different type of actor who goes by the name Requiem and is feared by many because of the villain type character he plays.


When he wears the enchanted blue mask given to him by Chrispin his inner snake like demon comes to the surface to reek havoc on whoever it is ordered to.

He is currently romantically involved with 2 women  

 ( Kama Sutra and Samyasa )

The reason he is with Kama is to feed off the best new artist buzz she has and also to get closer to her red gold chain.

The reason he's with Samyasa is to trick her into loving him so then she will be motivated to want to destroy Kama Sutra and everything she stands for. It also never hurts to have a trained assassin in your corner when sh*t hits the fan.

Blake made a deal with the devil ( Chrispin )to have fame and fortune in exchange for doing whatever he was told, no questions asked . 

When he pledged his allegiance to the H-Click he confirmed that he is on a road paved with bricks made of innocent peoples coagulated blood.

Without him even knowing it his soul remains unprotected as it is in danger of being consumed by other worldly demons.

Blake had a younger sister who tragically died and Chrispin has

promised has promised to bring her back to this existence with his

dark magic.


Chrispin has Blake's sister's soul and is waiting for him to finish his

mission to return her soul to the world of the living with a new body.


This is what made Blake first listen to the dark prince's offer but each time he put on the enchanted mask a little piece of the memories he had of his sister disappears. 

He is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

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